We are delighted to be working in partnership with Hope Church Rotherham, once again in hosting our old friend Brother Yun. Join us at 7.30pm on Thursday 6 June 2019, at Liberty Rotherham.

The Heavenly Man, Brother Yun EvangelistLiu Zhenying, known as Brother Yun was born in 1958, is an exiled Chinese Christian house church leader, evangelist, and proponent of the ‘Back To Jerusalem’ movement. Brother Yun was instrumental in the development of the Christian house church networks in China during the 1980s and 90s. Accounts about his life and ministry are to be found in his autobiography: The Heavenly Man.

Brother Yun’s book The Heavenly Man tells of both extreme executions and miracles of deliverance similar to ones found in the Bible. Despite a life of poverty in China, he has since spoken to thousands internationally with the gospel message. Seen as a rebel among some Chinese for not joining the government-controlled Christian organization, he was imprisoned and tortured by the government authorities. His book reports that he became a highly wanted man across several provinces. He was finally arrested and sentenced to many years in prison. However, Brother Yun continued his ministry while in prison, with more miraculous results. As a result, many prisoners and even some prison officials became born-again Christians. While he gained increasing favor from some officials, he also became a target of increased persecutions by others. He was repeatedly beaten and became severely malnourished. While in prison, Brother Yun writes about undertaking a total fast without food or water for 74 days.

After many years in prison, he escaped from Zhengzhou Maximum Security prison from which it is reported that nobody had previously escaped. He described how he heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, telling him to simply walk out the heavily guarded prison gate. Despite the risk of being shot to death on the spot, he wrote later that he obeyed the voice, and walked straight through several prison doors that were somehow left open in front of many prison guards, across the prison yard and finally out of the main gate. Brother Yun stated that it was as if he had become invisible to the guards who stared straight through him. Although many expressed doubts that such a thing could happen, some prison guards have lost their jobs for this ’embarrassing mishap’. It is reported that the official investigation by the Chinese Government concluded that Brother Yun received no human help in his escape. These reports have been confirmed by numerous prisoners who occupied the same prison cell as Brother Yun. He remains the only person to have escaped from this notorious maximum security prison.

Read about Brother Yun’s last visit in 2014 >